How many times have you heard, "you just need to eat right and
exercise?" It's become the mantra for our health conscious culture.
But for most of us it sounds like we're being sentenced to a life of
hard labor--pumping iron and sweating away on the stair master plus
boring eating--broccoli, low fat cottage cheese, broiled chicken.
Doesn't sound like much fun. Investing in your health has to become
more of a journey towards well-being and less of a task if you're going
to make this a life long commitment.
of us take our bodies for granted. We burn the proverbial candle at
both ends. We throw down fast food, only move when absolutely necessary
and expect that there won't be any consequences to our neglect. But
there are. Maybe not immediately, especially if you're in your 20s or
30s when you still have a warranty on your body, but sooner or later
it's going to expire and your disregard for your health is going to
catch up with you. Think about it for a minute, would you drive your
car when the oil light is flashing? Not likely. Would you put
low-grade gas in a Ferrari? Never. However, amazingly, we all to often
abuse and ignore our most precious vehicle.
Your physical health
is fundamental. Your body is the vehicle through which you express
yourself and your life. When something's wrong with your body, when
you're in pain or feeling out of sorts, you can bet that everything else
in your life is affected. Your health needs to be one of your top
priorities. Caring for your body is critical to living a high quality
life. When you're in a state of optimal health just about everything
else in your life is better. But like everything else this requires
effort. For those of you who have ignored your body, now's the time to
rediscover it. Here are a few suggestions for creating optimal health.
Make Exercise Fun
is a key component for living a high quality life. You can't expect to
be healthy if you're sedentary. In case you need some encouragement,
did you know that people who exercise regularly get sick less frequently
and experience less depression, anxiety and fatigue? They have fewer
weight problems and in general have a more positive outlook on life.
Did you know that regular exercise also slows the aging process and
helps you to not only look, but, feel younger. Did you know that
exercise is a great stress reducer? Women who are physically fit say
that regular exercise is the most important thing they've ever done to
enhance their life.
While regular exercise is important for
everyone, it is especially crucial for women. Women lose muscle tissue
as they age. While some loss is due to normal aging, more is ascribed
to inactivity. We have to move our body on a regular basis in order to
maintain our health and sense of well-being.
While we're barraged
with an ever-changing list of fitness regimens it's important to find a
program that you enjoy and will stick to. One of the keys to
maintaining an exercise routine is not only to do something that you
like, but, to have a workout buddy--someone who will keep you honest.
On those days when you'd rather spend an extra hour in bed, you'll get
into your workout clothes if you know you're friend is waiting for you
at the gym or to go for a walk or run.
As a woman, you need to
include some form of weight training that'll help you to maintain muscle
tone and overall strength. The increase in muscle strength that you
gain from weight training is especially beneficial to women who are
often weak in their upper bodies. If, like many of us, you need variety
to keep you engaged in exercise you may want to try a combination of
walking and weight training, or jogging, swimming, biking, or a samba
class. Do what you can do on a consistent basis. But do something.
you noticed that yoga, a once obscure Indian practice is now sweeping
the nation? Yoga has become extremely popular and an effective tool for
staying fit while becoming more relaxed. Everyone from Madonna to
model Christie Turlington, have become devotees, with good reason.
is easy to do. You can take a class or use a video tape and practice
at home. Many gyms and community centers offer classes. Yoga is
something you can do at your own pace. What's more, people of any age
or fitness level can do yoga. Not only will yoga keep you limber and
flexible, but, the postures require concentration and attention to your
breathing. An inevitable result of practicing yoga is that you'll feel a
greater connection between your mind and body and an increased sense of
inner peace. Give it a try!
Another way to stay motivated and
exercise regularly is to reconnect with what you loved to do as a kid.
Remember how active we once were? It wasn't that we had to make
ourselves do something. Most of us rode bikes, played softball, were
cheerleaders, we took ballet or tap lessons. We climbed trees, ran
around with our friends, skied, swam, rode horses, played basketball,
jumped rope. We were just naturally active. Why not resurrect one of
your favorite childhood activities? Join a softball team, get ski
lessons, sign up for ballet, join a tennis team, go roller blading with
your kids or take a spinning class. Whatever you decide to do, do
something that is fun and involves moving your body.
When you're
pressed for time, walk. It's almost become a foreign concept. We've
become so attached to our cars that we rarely walk, but walking is a
great form of exercise and can be easily incorporated into your daily
routine. Walking helps you clear your mind, fills your lungs with fresh
air, gets your blood moving and centers you. You'll be amazed at what
you'll learn when you walk through your neighborhood. If you live
within walking distance of your local market, leave your car in the
driveway and walk, walk to the post office, walk to pick your kids from
school. Think about where can you walk from where you live.
if you're a confirmed couch potato, it's not too late to change. In
fact, it's essential that you develop a new relationship with your body.
Not only will regular exercise improve your health, but, you'll feel
better and look better. Think of regular exercise as an investment in
your long-term health and well-being. A few minutes a day of some
simple exercise will be extremely beneficial not only physically but
mentally as well. As you incorporate exercise into your life you will
experience more energy, as well as other physical, mental and spiritual
Life After Death
During the two months before my
birthday I decided to really have a "feel sorry for myself" crying
session. Then I made an appointment to see a doctor for my annual
checkup. I asked to see a woman doctor. Surely a woman could do
something for me. I was tired all the time, weighed about 200 pounds
and I was becoming more and more depressed.
The day came for my
checkup. Mary Dailey, Nurse Practitioner, checked me for everything.
She was wonderful. She told me that I had a good reason to be tired and
wanted to consider hospitalizing me. My blood count was low, my
estrogen level was really bad. I was 60 pounds overweight and on and on
and on. Well, then and there we started iron, estrogen, calcium and
daily vitamins. I call these my turn-40-year-old-meds. I told her I
would start an exercise program right away. "Oh, no you don't," she
said. "Not until we get all of this other stuff in order. You're not
going to be able to handle an exercise class for a while." I made an
appointment to see her in another three months.
Three months went
by and I couldn't wait for Mary Dailey to release me. I visited our
local kick boxing, tae boe, exercise center and bought all the
equipment. I paid the $200 yearly fee for a brand new start on a brand
new me. Or so I thought. Ms. Dailey didn't think it was such a good
idea for me to start just yet. "Not yet. Things are looking better but
your iron is still way to low." Her words burst my bubble. "Come on,
I'm over 40 and things are looking pretty thick and saggy." I thought
to myself. It was horrible but I had to wait.
The next doctor's
appointment was three months later. I was released to start an exercise
program. "Great," I thought. "This is going to be awesome. In six
months I should weigh about 140 pounds and look 10 years younger." I
put on my sweats, wrapped my hands, grabbed my towel and boxing gloves
and headed to my kickboxing class.
These classes are incredible.
Have you ever been to a class like this? The first row is 100 to 120
pounders. The second row is your 125 to 150 pounders and in the very
back are your over heated, out of breath, out of shape, not keeping up,
160 to 200 pounders. Half way through this class I was dying. I
dragged myself to the car coughing and fighting for breath. I could
barely drive. I got home and lay on the floor. I couldn't move for two
hours. "Ok, ok," I told myself. "I'll be like this for a couple of
weeks." I tried to convince myself things would get better.
week three, I had worked myself up to a half-hour before I left the
building wheezing, crawling to my car. I decided this wasn't going to
work. I was six pounds lighter but I couldn't stand the idea of facing
another class. That was it! Six months of waiting to start this stupid
class and now I just couldn't go on. What was going to happen to me? I
didn't want to give up. But the thought of exercising to TV and tapes
just didn't motivate me.
Then I had an idea. When I was in
college, I was an aerobics instructor. What if I got together with a
couple of friends just to work out? I knew the perfect place for our
workout, The Salvation Army Recreation Center. I visited Judy Ponce,
the Social Services Coordinator. She gave me permission to use their
facility. The last week of August 200, I started exercising with seven
other ladies every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I worked hard putting
low impact, high-energy routines together. However, this wasn't the
most difficult part of the class. I felt intimidated. I wondered, "How
can I lead an aerobic class looking like this?" I realized my attitude
needed healing as much as my health. I wasn't the best qualified, but I
was willing. Before long, the Salvation Army was getting calls asking
about the class and we started to see our numbers grow.
For New
Years I decided to place a small classified ad "FREE Aerobic Class" to
encourage people with resolutions. I drove up to the center on January
3, 2001. I thought The Salvation Army had planned an event on my
exercise night and forgot to tell me. I couldn't even find a parking
place. There were so many people. As I unlocked the door, I turned
around and asked, "Is everybody here for the exercise class?" I got 70
yes's. Can you believe it? 70 people started exercising with me.
here I am, celebrating one year. I am 40 pounds lighter. My energy
and self-esteem have climbed through the roof. The local news did a
story on it and people talk about it to me wherever I go. My husband
said he called for his prescription and they asked him if Rita Williams
was his wife. They told him that I was their aerobics instructor. I
have been asked to do demonstrations for the hospital health fair. The
local diet programs refer their clients to me.
Not long ago, I had
an interview for a job. The woman interviewing me said, "So your Rita.
I've heard so much about you and your exercise classes. You'll never
realize how many women's lives you have impacted."
There are now
over 250 women enrolled. I now instruct eight classes a week. We have
two more volunteer instructors and a volunteer that provides childcare.
These women held a fund-raiser. They bought the class a brand new
stereo and a ton of new music.
With our one-year celebration we chose a name for our class: CardioJam with Rita.... Hold that tummy tight, tight, tight!